Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Ebay Scammers Called Out, Part 2

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I'm back and have found few more bums on eBay that are trying to scam you out of your money.

The guy above is selling information on how to make money on Myspace. He claims that this is "Brand New System" but it could not be further from the truth. This is a direct quote from his auction description "This package is brand new, never before exposed on eBay and 100% up to date!! You know how they say the early bird gets the worm. Well this is your chance to get ahead of the rush"

For 6.95 you get an ebook if you want to call it that telling you to build your Myspace friends list. Then he tells you to get a free ebook off the Internet and sell it your Myspace friends list.

Now I know this may be a "Brand New System" for the 1% of the world that has been living in a cave but for the rest of us it is useless.

Moral of this story is save your 6.95 for a Big Mac meal and still get some change back. This is one of the worst make money on eBay systems to date.

make money on ebay

Now this one above is just sad allthough it does have one positive aspect, you get a refund!

Basically all this guy is doing is trying to get you to sign up for his MLM (multi level marketing) scam. The one he is involved with has taken some major heat because it claims not to be MLM but believe me it is.

Said part about this guy is that he is charging you 49.95 for informaiton and a program that is 100% free to join!

I won't go into detail about what program he is promoting here but yes it is a scam and he probally doesn't have two cents to rub together.

Like I said good thing about this guy is that he does offer a refund so all you are out is your time.

Another one bits the dust.

Sell On Ebay - Make Money On Ebay

Monday, December 4, 2006

Ebay Scammers Called Out, Part 1

make money on ebay

This series of post are dedicated to calling out all the eBay scammers that claim to make hundreds or thousands of dollars through some type of online scheme.

Our first scam award goes to all the sellers that claim you can make 100,000.00 dollars in one day. The auction could also say something to the effect of become a millionaire overnight.

So what do you get for 20.00 to 29.95? You get a one page pdf that tells you to buy the Iraq Dinar with the hopes that the value of the dollar raises over time. For example you may be able to buy 20 Iraq Dinar Dollars for the price of one U.S Dollar. It sounds like a great deal until you realize the economy is a complete disaster in Iraq and you will never see a penny for you money.

I just saved you 20.00 - 30.00 bucks!

make money on ebay

Our next make money on eBay scam award goes to all the "Learn How Me and My Girlfriend Make 100.00 Dollars an Hour!"

I mean seriously come on, you make 100.00 Dollars an hour give me a break. I have purchased just about everyone of these as I like to see what the so called "competition" is offering and they are all a joke.

So for about 5.47 to 20.00 dollars you get a ebook that looks like a 6Th grader wrote it telling you to set up a website with AdSense on it.

There is another make 100hr ebook offered on eBay that tells you to buy concert tickets and resell them. Yes you heard me right, he tells you to buy concert tickets and resell them on eBay.

Today's after thoughts...

I have actually come across a few and I mean a few items on eBay that actually have some decent information. I am not going to get into those quite yet but I will be letting you know about some of them in the near future. In the mean time stay away from any eBay item making some outrageous claim that you can become rich overnight or make 100.00 dollars per hour.

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Sunday, December 3, 2006

Make Money On Ebay

When it’s auction, it’s eBay. ebay is the no. 1 auction site in the world and it will be many years if ever before the crown is taken from them. Ebay was founded in 1995 by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar has already expanded to almost all countries and is still growing today. Millions of different items, from collectibles to appliances, computers, furniture, equipment, vehicles, and many others are bought, and sold daily. Undeniably people are spending millions of dollars on eBay everyday.

‘How do I make money on eBay?’ This is the most common question raised by people who want to take advantage of the opportunities on eBay. As a beginer the best thing you could do to sell on ebay is to find a niche in eBay. There are literally thousands of niches that are making money on eBay for people. Personal areas of interest should always be taken note of when looking for a niche item to sell on eBay. It is more important that the seller has an interest in the line of goods that he or she is selling than preferring goods just because they can gain more profit. One does best in things that interest him most.

Once a niche has been identified, researching about the demand of a particular product line will be the next wise thing to do. There must be more demand than the product available in order to make money on eBay. This will guarantee that the seller will make money on ebay. Finding a product source is as significant as finding the right product itself to sell. A good product source will be someone who is reliable and who has already created a stable portfolio and best of all, someone who will leave the seller with a large profit margin.

There are still a few more steps needed to start selling on eBay. These would include making an eBay account with a verified credit card, posting the items that you are going to sell on ebay. This basically requires the seller to prepare a catchy photo of the items and there descriptions and as well as identifying the best price for the items. This maybe a bit tedious on the seller’s side however very rewarding once things are set up and ready.The seller just has to make some simple updating later on.

eBay's pros and cons are readily available online from free ezines and newsletters.Discouraging but true, there are so many scammers and money rippers out on the net who are trying to entice eBay novices to buy their so called ‘eBay Success Guide’ e-books that are no better than a piece of trash. If you do decide to buy one of these “guides” make sure you view the sellers feedback and look for positive feedback ratings.

There are many ways to make money on eBay but the trick is finding a niche to sell in or by thinking outside the box. If you find a solid niche to sell on ebay or that outside the box strategy you will make it!

All Rights Reserved World Wide © Daniel Millions
Sell On Ebay - Make Money On Ebay

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